Wednesday, August 15, 2018


1. Focus on marketing mastery
With so many aspects of an automated dropshipping business, you will have more time to focus on marketing and branding. While tweaking a website, designing a logo and creating graphics can be a lot of fun, marketing is the source of money. You will need to spend time learning to control ads, increase your traffic, and convert visitors to your store.

Ads and search engine optimization can help drive more traffic to your store. Keep in mind that most e-commerce stores convert at a rate of 1 to 2%. This means that if you have less than 100 visitors to your site, you will probably not receive any sales. The more traffic you can get at your store, the more likely you are to convert the sale. Most of them focus on ads because they are instantly rewarding and can generate a lot of sales in a short time. However, SEO can help drive sales in the long run by allowing you to rank high in the search. Creating blog content and optimizing product pages can help you create an audience with minimal ad spend while reducing your acquisition costs.

Your website must also be optimized for conversions. Do you use the scarcity and urgency to get people to buy from your store? Have you added customer reviews to your store to give it the social proof it needs? Is your website presentable from the customer's point of view? Are you missing pictures on your homepage? You can take many steps to optimize your online store.

2. Create an amazing offer
An important tip of dropshipping is to create a compelling offer. Do not be the owner of the store that fails to include sales or bundles. If none of your products are on sale, people may not be motivated to buy your product. However, if you present the right product with the right offer, you will be more likely to convert it.

Bundles can also work very well. When creating a bundle, focus on selling more products. For example, if you sell hair extensions, your package will include more hair extensions. If people like the product, they will want more. The hardest part is convincing your customer to withdraw their credit card, but once it's done, upselling, upselling and upselling.

ALSO, READ;- The 5 myths of digital marketing

3. Avoid undervaluing your products
Dropshipping products from AliExpress or Oberlo Verified allow you to reduce production costs. The cost of goods is generally relatively close to the wholesale price, which allows you to sell products at market value and make profits. The goal of a dropshipping business is to be profitable. If you sell a five dollar product, you should pay about $ 19.99 for that. You have to consider the cost of goods, marketing, business expenses and possibly the hiring of a team.

If other brands do not respect their prices, do not underestimate them. As long as your prices are fair and in line with market value, you must maintain a favourable price. You must also work to increase the average value of the orders in order to gain a higher profit from each order. Create strategies that will help you make more money.

If you are looking for more details regarding this dropshipping trick, you can look here.

4. Quickly find quality suppliers
While most AliExpress providers are easy to use, reliable and offer good products, sometimes a bad apple or two do not. With Oberlo Verified Suppliers, you will find suppliers whose warehouses, working conditions and contacts and business addresses have been verified by Oberlo. You will also find suppliers whose litigation rates are below 2%. There is even a dedicated staff who ensures that your customers receive their parcels on time.

For this dropshipping tip, check out more details here, on how to select the best drop shipping providers.

5. Automate more of your business
Tips on Dropshipping

By using drop tools like Oberlo, many aspects of your business will be automated. However, if you have a full-time job or want to create a more passive income, you will need more freedom to pursue your passions if you want to automate more aspects of your business.

Monday, August 13, 2018


 15th August it is one of the most important days for Indian people we are celebrating our 72nd Independence Day today on 15th of August 1947. we got freedom from British rule British ruled over India for more than 200 years during which they divided us and controlled us thousands of freedom fighters sacrificed their lives for the freedom of the country. most of them were not there to breathe the air of free India it's more than 70 years now .we are a free country we have own government and freedom to do anything under the Sun but still, we are struggling with poverty corruption terrorism child trafficking rapes riots caste discrimination gender inequality. whatnot 72 years back we had an excuse that foreign powers ruled us so we can't do anything later we blame governments system and politics for slow growth. we keep blaming them today but we never look inward we forgot that we also have a role to play we as students should garner as much knowledge as possible and make a great career. if we all do what we supposed to do even that will help the nation if we decided not to involve in Malpractices and corruption a lot of big problems in India will disappear. we children have a great power in our hands forget the older generation let's not complain about them let us hop on driver's seat and start this journey .if our generation ignores this opportunity now we will never be able to recover from this loss so friends come out of the self-centred cocoon. think of all do it for all.


today we are gathered here to celebrate the 72nd Independence Day of our beloved country thousands of freedom fighters sacrificed their life and soul for the independence movement because of them we are leaving in a secular democratic nation. where we can express ourselves we can choose our leader and where we have the liberty of life you might not like what I am going to say I don't think we are free I don't believe that this country is independent you might be thinking about of my mind isn't it? but let me tell you I am NOT when there is rampant corruption poverty illiteracy how we can say we are a free and independent country. we are still struggling with jobs quality education health care politicians play their vote bank politics and set up riots. we the people get fooled by these inhuman politicians and become part of the game there are thousands of problem out there rapes child labour human trafficking drugs mafia so on and so forth the list is never-ending . do you think when our freedom fighters were fearlessly facing bullets they saw a dream of this India.I believe not we don't appreciate what we got we are wasting such a big opportunity to make India a great country. I think now you will agree that we are not a free country in the real sense of reality. there are prevalent independence threats from neighboring countries or so-called external terrorist states presently. our leadership and security forces are equipped to handle these external threats but it is tough to tap down internal threats like corruption riots caste divide etcetera .when we talk about getting real independence once again rather than understanding the problem .we blame the system politicians aren't we yes they are part of the problem but biggest problem lies within us everyone is responsible for these problems. some part of every one of us is corrupt violent dirty undisciplined and unethical in different percentages leaders mafia politicians Naxals thieves they all come from same society. no one is born corrupt or know how to fire an ak-47 if we reckon that we people are the real problem. then only we will have a chance to see a possible solution let me finish my speech by requesting everyone to take a pledge today that you will improve yourself as a rational sensitive disciplined citizen of India thank you .

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Friday, August 10, 2018


Digital marketing, online marketing, content marketing, SEO marketing ... Understanding what all these marketing terms mean and the relationship they have between them is a real headache. And once you have clarified the definition, you still need to know how to determine the methods that will serve your business objectives.

What is the name of digital marketing? ". Let's first look at marketing as a whole. Marketing is a set of tactics that allow your business to stand out from your competition and attract buyers. This includes the searches you use to develop your campaigns. The goal is to communicate distinct selling points to encourage consumers to turn to your business.

Traditional marketing can be done almost anywhere. Trade shows, TV commercials and press releases are common ways businesses are promoting and attracting consumers. But marketing is also done when you provide excellent service and your customers talk about their experience around them.

What does "digital marketing" mean?
The methods or marketing platforms are known are the name of marketing channels. Digital marketing involves using online channels to promote the benefits of your products. Sending emails, blogging and using social networks are all part of this general category. Online channels allow remote but authentic interactions that build customer loyalty. Common channels of digital marketing include:

Business sites and blogs
SEO strategies
Email mailing lists
Professional networking sites
Online testimonials and consumer opinion sites
Video sharing sites
Distributors of press releases
Paid online advertising
Online applications and tools
Digital marketing has become one of the most effective ways to reach consumers.

A Deloitte survey concludes that "the smartphone of the French never sleeps".

Due to the widespread use of mobile devices, many people are permanently connected.

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Connecting with people you do not see may seem difficult. In fact, the Internet offers many new opportunities to learn more about consumers. This information will help you attract more customers through targeted marketing.

Digital marketing and online marketing
Now that you understand what digital marketing is, another question arises: what is the difference between digital marketing and online marketing? If all these activities take place online, why use so many different words to describe them?

Online marketing involves building an online presence and converting traffic to sales. When the internet was younger, the four main marketing activities involved:

Website creation
Buying cost-per-click ads
Set up shop windows online
The use of keyword group to attract traffic from search engines
However, online marketing has developed and now includes activities that do not involve search engines, paid ads, or websites. Internet users now use a variety of digital devices to connect and interact with online content. By reaching out to your customers through the online channels they use frequently, you can influence their offline purchase decisions.

Think about how often you interact with brands. Customers are positive about products or services through reading blog posts. Interactive video advertising encourages decisions. Customers receive coupons from local shops via smartphone apps. Online marketing is a major subcategory of digital marketing. And digital marketing encompasses a variety of online and offline tactics that drive online engagement.

How Content Marketing and SEO Influence Digital Marketing
Online marketing, SEO and content marketing are essential pillars of digital marketing. Combining these strategies is the best way to start and grow a business successfully.

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of formatting your site and its content to improve its positioning on search engines. The Internet is full of sites and blogs that are fighting for attention. However, targeting niche keywords that your customers use on search engines can limit the competition you will encounter online.

Content marketing involves creating assets that add value to your customers. Online assets, such as blog posts, photos, videos and guides, educate consumers about your brand. Content creation builds trust and commitment. The ease of sharing content can attract significant traffic to your site.

The interests of digital marketing
Perhaps you have noticed that the interconnection of online communities and platforms is increasing day by day. Digital marketing allows businesses of all sizes to access a larger customer base. At the same time, digital marketing includes many tactics that help brands create an authentic image. Study these five digital marketing interests for the growth of your business.

Expanded Influence: Small businesses can communicate with people around the world. Increasing the customer base boosts revenue potential. The Internet is a content economy, which allows entrepreneurs to advertise online as experts. The greater your knowledge, the greater your power to educate and influence consumers.
Accurate targeting: Off-line, companies have only limited means to track customer behaviour. Using the right tools, digital marketing provides an abundance of data. Every action taken by an online customer leaves a fingerprint. The data you get about your customers can help you refine your marketing messages to meet their needs.
Low-cost campaigns: Digital marketing takes time but is cheap. Take the example of social networks. A small business can interact with its customers on Facebook or Twitter as easily as a global brand. Small businesses often have more personal interactions with their customers. This leads to loyalty relationships and word of mouth marketing.
Instant feedback: As part of traditional marketing, understanding what customers want can take some time. With digital marketing, you can get a quick return from multiple channels. Online surveys, emails, forums, social media commentary and customer reviews all contribute to expedited communication.
Faster implementation: Digital channels reduce the time needed to develop effective campaigns. Traditional marketers spend weeks, if not months, studying, creating, and approving a campaign. Digital channels allow you to create campaigns more frequently to maintain customer engagement. Since their cost is generally low, you can test several campaigns to find the right approach.
Choose the right digital marketing strategies for your business
The most important aspect of digital marketing is its flexibility. You do not have to mimic everything your competitors do to succeed. Deploy your efforts to find out where your customers are online and interact with them at the most important points of contact. What's the point of wasting your time on Facebook if all your customers are on LinkedIn or Twitter?

Track your online marketing activities to refine your methods continuously. Digital trends are changing rapidly. Companies must adapt to serve their customers in a meaningful way. Marketing is also about making you stand out. If you identify vacant slots, do not hesitate to test online methods that your competitors do not use.

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1. Focus on marketing mastery With so many aspects of an automated dropshipping business, you will have more time to focus on marketing an...